

In her life, Aurora has endured challenges that most of us will never experience: homeless and living in her car, unreliable transportation, multiple periods of unemployment with no hope of finding work that provided a livable wage, and an unsupportive family who appeared to offer help that ultimately turned toxic and volatile. Aurora felt  betrayed and lacked the courage to ask for help.

Several years ago, Aurora came to TTLM feeling hopeless, alone and desperate to change the direction her life was headed.

She began working with a case manager to determine a new destination and the next right steps to get there. Before long, she enrolled in TTLM's LifeLine, an adult mentor program, where she connected with a healthy, supportive, self-sufficient adult (probably for the first time in her life) who made a commitment to walk alongside her in this journey. Aurora also began attending TTLM Connection where she found herself among others who were on the journey of life-change as well.

Aurora's story didn't turn around immediately; the journey of life-change is sometimes long, slow and challenging with many opportunities to quit.

While unemployed, Aurora found herself frustrated even more by part-time jobs that seemed to offer hope, only to prove inconsistent in both work and pay. Even though her vehicle was unreliable, it was working…and then one day it wasn't. Aurora was stranded. The place where she was living at the time was a little outside of town, and Aurora was unable to engage with the world around her which left her extremely depressed and hopeless about her future. Thankfully because of her relationship with True To Life, Aurora had people to turn to and decided she would not quit! She called her mentor who, along with her TTLM Case Manager and her friends at TTLM Connection, gave her the support she needed to keep going…until at last…

She experienced the breakthrough she needed. Aurora’s whole world was about to change!

A TTLM donor told us that they wanted to donate a car for a client in need, and we immediately thought of Aurora! The car was in great condition, and the donor even took care of a few minor maintenance issues before signing the title over to Aurora. It was a miracle!

Aurora drove that vehicle to and from TTLM for appointments and to attend TTLM Connection as well as search for jobs. She found and applied for a permanent, full-time position doing work that she loves, and she got it! Remaining focused and working her plan one step at a time, Aurora spent a few weeks staying at a local shelter while she worked and saved every dime she could. Finally, the day came when she had enough to rent her own apartment! She was ecstatic and couldn't wait to share this amazing news with all of us at TTLM. It had been YEARS since Aurora had her own place, and the day that she signed the lease for her new apartment, she rang the bell at the TTLM offices where we celebrated Aurora and her accomplishments with an impromptu dance party in the lobby.

Now with reliable transportation, a full-time job that pays a livable wage, and her own place to call “home”, when you look at Aurora and the smile that lights up her face, what you will see is HOPE.

Hope that life doesn't have to stay the way it's always been and that there is a way out. Hope that there are people who care enough to support you along the journey. Hope that there is a reason to keep living!

“I owe it all to God! In the midst of all my challenges, I always maintained faith that God is good and that He loves me!” - Aurora

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